Plumbin' in Wiki

Plumbin' models dynamic pressure distributed over networks as they are constructed. github

Connect the faucet to the spout to let water flow. HEIGHT 330

Hover near joints to measure pressure on either side.

Challenge: Connect all faucets to spouts without adding or removing tiles. Extra credit: use all tiles.

See also Start Simple


The app dates back to 1985. We started this version by converting old Tiles to png in GT. Then we splatter them all over a table and hook up drag logic.

PNGReadWriter putForm: self onFileNamed: fileName


We recall project history. See Plumbin' by Example


The pressure tank has presented a conversion challenge. Eric Dobbs worked out a solution using sweet and seldom used features of css but that broke the simplicity of sliding images around. See CSS Tank

Tudor Girba supported image-simplicity by creating a family of tank images. twitter post


When installed, the browser could not fetch the tank images fast enough to keep up with the simulation. This loop preloads all 27 images in a few tenths of a second.

let iota = Array.from({length: 27}, (_,i) => i+1) let tanks = await Promise.all( => new Promise(resolve => { let img = new Image() img.dataset.tile = 'tank' img.onload = resolve(img) img.src = `./tanks/tank${i}.png` }) )) HEIGHT 50